Thursday, March 25, 2010

My sincerest apologies

Dear Friends,
I must sincerely apologize for my temporary leave of absence. I owe everyone an explanation.

You see, I began feeling a little "uncentered". A little "off-balance". "Cloudy". Well, you get the point...
So, I decided to check myself into a wonderful Holistic Wellness Center. Which I must keep the name of this beautiful center a secret. There were also lot's of celeberties there as well. But I'm not sayin anything...right??? Okay...moving on then.
I participated in a wide variety of activities. I learned several new techniques for "centering" myself. They didn't like my "slamshot jaager" method. Or the "fruity little tropical drink method" either. SO....Meditation is my new favorite. Have you ever had a hot rock massage??? Or had kelp for breakfast??? Let me tell you, you are missing out!
I would've loved to share some pictures of my centering experience, however, all cameras, cell phones, etc...were confinscated upon admission to The Center. friends...I'm back and better than ever....buckle up!

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